Exercitia Latina I – licentie

[NL] Hier kun je je Latijn actief oefenen met behulp van zo'n 450 exercitia.
[EN] Practice your active Latin skills here, with 450 exercitia.
[LA] Hic Latina lingua exerceri et audiri potest.

Addisco Onderwijs heeft de Exercitia Latina van Hans Henning Ørberg (Lingua Latina per se illustrata) gedigitaliseerd en verder aangevuld met nieuwe oefeningen. Deze oefeningen sluiten precies aan bij het eerste deel ‘Familia Romana’. In totaal zijn er meer dan 450 oefeningen en 35 geluidsfragmenten. Ook de laatste hoofdstukken, die Ørberg zelf niet meer heeft kunnen inspreken, zijn ingesproken.

On this page you’ll find a demo of the new digital version of the Exercitia Latina by Hans (Iohannes) H. Ørberg. The more than 450 excercises have been reworked (with permission of the children of Ørberg; ADDISCO is the official publisher and distributor of the Lingua Latina series in The Netherlands and other Dutch speaking countries) and are written in Latin only (in the demo there is some Dutch, but in the full version everything is Latin). The audio files of all the chapters in the classical (reconstructed) pronunciation can also be accessed through this material. Ørberg recites the maior part of the chapters. The last four chapters are recited by Casper Porton, founder of ADDISCO. If you have any questions, please contact Casper.

Salve, care lector. Proh dolor mihi tempus defuit ut hanc paginam retialem in alias linguas verterem. Tantum paucis absolvam: quattuor his annis omnia fere exercitia Latina, quae discipulis solvenda edidit Hans (Iohannes) H. Ørberg sive Montaurius, Casper (Casparius) Porton in hanc formam digitalem sive retialem formavit emendavit amplificavitque, liberis Ørbergi probantibus. Praeterea discipuli omnia capitula libri, cui titulus est ‘Familia Romana’, audire possunt: capitula I usque ad XXXI ab ipso Ioanne Ørberg recitata sunt, ultima quattuor capitula a me, Caspario Porton. Si plura scire cupias aut aliquid rogare velis, me quaeso certiorem facias.
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bestaat uit Module

  • 4 Hoofdstukken
  • 35 Paragrafen